推荐十大靠谱彩票平台 relies on the generosity of our donors and enthusiasm of our volunteers who share in our mission and vision to educate young men and women to “在世界上复兴信仰,重燃仁爱.“我们感谢我们所有的父母, 校友, 校友家长, faculty/staff and friends and the generous contributions they make to benefit our school.We invite you to explore the many available opportunities and encourage you to be involved in supporting our school, 更重要的是, 我们的学生.
If you have questions or would like to learn more about how to support the Pallotti family, 请联系克莱尔·鲁宾斯基, 进步主任, at
CRudinski@tamura-kaken.com or
(301) 725-3228 Ext. 2214. 或者贝丝Henehan
113 St. 玛丽的地方
Making a gift of appreciated securities (stocks, bonds, and mutual funds) to 推荐十大靠谱彩票平台方便又容易. 如果你想把股票作为礼物送给正规靠谱的彩票app, 请通过电子邮件crudinski@pallottihs与克莱尔·鲁宾斯基联系.org和/或致电(301)725-3228分机. 2214.
许多雇主对雇员的慈善捐款进行匹配. 如果你的雇主有配对礼物计划, please obtain a matching gift form from your company and send it to Pallotti. 升班办将填写表格并将其交还给您的雇主.
你是一个狂热的亚马逊购物者吗? If so, next time you shop make sure to register Pallotti as your charitable organization. 很容易! 签到微笑.亚马逊.com and select "Your Account", "Change your Charity" from the options at the bottom of the page. 搜索选定的推荐十大靠谱彩票平台作为你的慈善组织. 别忘了微笑.亚马逊.. Com链接,当你购物!
Harris Teeter - Together in Education (TIE)
通过访问www链接您的VIC.harristeeter.并指定正规靠谱的彩票app使用ID# 8012. 当你购买哈里斯·提特品牌的商品时, 哈里斯·提特从这些购买金额中拿出一部分给正规靠谱的彩票app.
Pallotti can earn free educational equipment by linking your Breeze card using ID# 01864. 访问www.shopbloom.点击"your bloom"然后点击"for your school". 每次你购物,Pallotti都会自动获得积分.
作为国家首都地区联合劝募协会的一员, 正规靠谱的彩票app参加了联合劝募协会的捐赠活动, 马里兰慈善运动和联合联盟运动(CFC). This workplace campaign allows employees to donate to their favorite organization through payroll deduction. Often, some employers will match your payroll deducted contribution to the campaign.
To designate Pallotti as a recipient of your generous contribution through the United Way, please use code 6642 for the United Way NCA and Maryland Charity Campaign or code 99624 for the Combined Federation Campaign (CFC).
包括圣. 文森特·正规靠谱的彩票app高中 in your estate plans allows you to make a significant contribution to the school and leave your legacy for future generations without affecting your current income or lifestyle.
请通过电子邮件crudinski@pallottihs与克莱尔·鲁宾斯基联系.org,和/或致电(301)725-3228分机. 2214 if you would like to learn more about including Pallotti in your estate plans.
Tuition covers most of the day-to-day expenses of a private, independent school like Pallotti. 为了保持与该地区其他学校的竞争力, 正规靠谱的彩票app努力防止学费涨得太高. Most of the time, tuition does not cover the cost of educating each of 我们的学生. Contributions to the Pallotti Fund enable the school to bridge this gap and keep tuition low enough to remain affordable to most families. 另外, gifts to the Pallotti Fund allow the school to “go the extra mile” in providing the resources necessary to becoming a true school of excellence!
Listed below are just a few examples of programs which have greatly benefited from past contributions:
$10,000 to $24,999
$5,000 to $9,999
St. 文森特·正规靠谱的彩票app协会
$2,500 to $4,999
$1,000 to $2,499
$500 to $999
$250 to $499
$100 to $249
正规靠谱的彩票app为年轻男女提供两全其美的服务. 我们的规模足够大,可以开设广泛的课程, 尖端技术, 还有丰富多样的课外活动. 我们也足够小,每个学生都被视为一个个体, 有独特的才能和能力的. 我们也提供丰富心灵的静修和服务机会, 还有20多个校际运动队. 礼物 正规靠谱的彩票app基金 让这一切成为可能. 每一份礼物——不管多少——都很重要,你的参与是必不可少的.
This award established in 2013 by Peter and Susan Basile (parents of the late Ryan Basile, class of 2013) is awarded to a senior student who has demonstrated dedication, 承诺, 以及对学业成就的执着追求. It is awarded in hopes that the recipient will continue to take risks in learning after graduating from 推荐十大靠谱彩票平台. 这个奖是为了纪念杨先生而颁发的. 桑德斯J. Allen in recognition of his ability to inspire students and to see potential in those who may not see it in themselves.
这项奖学金是为了纪念珍妮·埃弗哈特和格洛丽亚·格雷厄姆而设立的, 都是1987届的学生, who died tragically in an automobile accident in the fall of their senior year. 每年, 高年级的学生从他们的同学中选出一个, 他们觉得最好的人表现出对所有人的接纳, 获得奖学金.
经过36年对圣. 文森特·正规靠谱的彩票app高中 -- the last 13 as our beloved President/Principal, Mr. 史蒂夫·埃德蒙兹在2010-11学年结束时辞职. 新的建筑物已经建成, 制定了创新方案, 在他的领导下取得了很大进展, 但是,. Edmonds' legacy is clear: His genuine and gentle love for the young men and women of Pallotti, 这将继续激励我们所有人.
Please help us honor this very special man by making a contribution to the 史蒂夫·埃德蒙兹奖学金基金. Our goal is to collect enough funding to be able to permanently endow this already existing scholarship as yet another ongoing legacy of Mr. 埃德蒙兹的性格和无私. 没有比这更让他高兴的了!
The intent of this scholarship is to reward the male or female senior Pallotti athlete that epitomizes hard work, 毅力, 体育精神和领导力. 这个奖项的设立是为了纪念托马斯·G. 林森迈耶,2001届的杰出运动员. This honor is awarded to one male and one female athlete who inspired and achieved beyond expected goals through desire and dedication.
This scholarship is two separate $500 奖学金 that will be given annually to 推荐十大靠谱彩票平台 students towards their tuition; one to a male student and one to a female student. It is given in loving memory of a lifetime of community service and volunteerism by Dick Howard.
This scholarship was established in the memory of Daniel Sung Walser a graduate of Class of 2002. 丹尼尔是一名参加足球比赛的学生运动员, 摔跤, 长曲棍球, 在正规靠谱的彩票app的四年里,他一直在学习游泳. 丹尼尔是个自信的人, 真诚的, and genuine young man who captured the hearts of young and old though his love of life, 对人类的尊重, 以及思考“大局”的能力.” He truly was a “rare find” as he described himself in his personal essay submitted for application to enter 推荐十大靠谱彩票平台. This scholarship seeks to honor student athletes who embody the same character and integrity as Daniel.
沃伦·霍尔纪念奖学金成立于2011年, 为了纪念沃伦·霍尔, 1984 - 2002年大学橄榄球队教练. 领导, 能源, knowledge and passion for football that "Coach Coolness" exhibited left a lasting impression on his players. Coach Hall cherished his association with the Pallotti community and took great pride in seeing his players develop as athletes on the field, 在球场外都是值得尊敬的人.
The Warren Hall Memorial Scholarship will honor one Pallotti student athlete each year who radiates positivity through his/her leadership, 团队合作, 体育精神和同情心. 通过每个奖学金获得者,“酷”将继续存在.